From May 16 to 20, 2023 at the department of education of basics of children's diseases SEI “Avicenna Tajik State Medical University” under the direction of the associate professor of department, the curator of group 7 of pediatrics faculty Abdulloev N.A. and the teacher, the curator of group 6 of faculty of pediatrics Ashurov N.P. conducted an open lesson on a theme: "Culture of peace and national unity" with participation of employees of department and students of 3 classes of 9 and 40 groups. Students of these groups presented an informative report in the national language, as well as videos and skits.

"The culture of peace is the best gift and the highest achievement of the Tajik people, who have maintained a humanitarian and cultural mission for centuries."

Emomali Rahmon

June 27, 1997 was written in gold letters in the history of the Tajik people as the day of national unity. This day, which has become dear and sacred to our people and nation, was not easy! After the collapse of the Soviet Union, our republic, along with other Soviet republics, gained state independence. But, unfortunately, we, the Tajiks, who were in a very difficult historical period, could not effectively use the great gift of independence for the benefit of our people and state.

      The terrible events that happened to our people in the 90s of the twentieth century, put our oppressed people, who had undergone great historical trials, before another serious test: the preservation of the new independent state and nation or the collapse of both.

          In those terrible days for the nation, almost no one believed in a good future. Fortunately, in such a difficult historical period, a brave and courageous son of the nation, Emomali Rahmon, came to power and made a heartfelt promise to the people and the nation: "I will bring you peace" and fortunately for our civilized nation, the same thing happened.

Through the efforts of Emomali Rahmon and the courage of the nation's descendants, our cultural and civilized nation, confused and lost, was assembled. The road to fratricidal war was closed. The nation was united. National unity is a great achievement with historical roots. At all times, the great children of the nation preserved it and multiplied its value and greatness. In the times of Kayani Jamshed, in the times of Samani Ismail Samani, there were such people who preserved the stability of Unity. In our time, Emomali Rahmon, a great son of the nation, was blessed with such great wealth.

      Our unity is truly a sacred achievement, and we, the children of the nation, must cherish it as the apple of our eyes. Let no discord disturb our peace and unity.

    We are all witnesses that the Tajik culture of peace, of which Emomali Rahmon is the source, has been recognized by international organizations and studied as an experience of its use in other conflict regions of the world.

Department of educational basics of children’s diseases


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

22.05.2023 1419