November 17th 2023, based on the plan of joint actions of the Agency for State Financial Control and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan, a useful consultation-meeting was held for a wide range of teachers and students in SEI “Avicenna Tajik State Medical University. The main purpose of the consultation-meeting is to improve the legal literacy of young people to prevent these undesirable phenomena in society. Vice-rector for educational and methodological work, doctor of medical sciences, professor Ibodzoda S.T. head a speech on the problem of corruption and assessed the importance of university's contribution to the fight against it.
It was emphasized that credits and exams at the university are conducted fully electronically and this modern form of examination puts an end to corrupt practices. Head of the Legal department of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ibodulloev H.A. interpreted the involvement of health care employees in some corruption issues as harming the sector and stated that only collective struggle can eradicate this phenomena in society. Deputy head of Anti-Corruption Department of the State Financial Control and Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel of Justice, candidate of legal sciences Nasriddinzoda K.Sh. in his speech he analyzed and discussed the admissibility of this undesirable act with accurate facts and evidence and called for cooperation towards its elimination. It was noted that the existing problems will persist until the intellectuals, active and intelligent youth raise their voices and choose to remain silent. A question and answer session was held at the end of the consultation-meeting, where participants received concrete answers to their questions.
Information and public relations department of rector’s Service of the University
Ismoilov R.