XVIII scientific - practical Conference of young scientists and students on "Science and innovations in medicine-2023" with participation of foreign representatives

(April 28th, 2023)


The Founder of peace and national unity - the Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon, in his regular Address to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan on the theme “Internal and foreign Policy of the Republic of Tajikistan” noted that “Young people of independent Tajikistan are the creative force of the homeland, and their role in the development of all spheres of state and society is very valuable and significant”.

Administration of the state educational Institution “ Avicenna Tajik State Medical University” with understanding of responsibility for implementation of instructions and directives of the great Leader of the nation to improve the level and quality of education and educational process in higher educational institutions of the country, from their speeches during messages and meetings with professors and students of higher professional education institutions, as well as decisions and orders of the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Minister of Science and Education, instructions of scientist Council of the medical University are being implemented in educational, scientific researches and economic sections.

It should be noted that scientific and innovative activity is one of the main criteria determining the level of development of higher professional educational institutions. Taking into account this factor, increasing the level and quality of scientific work and application in clinical practice of the most important achievements of talented scientists and young people is always in the focus of the institution management. That is why the teachers of the school pay more and more attention to research of different directions of medical science, and the number of researchers and investigators is increasing due to talented youth.

According to the plan of the events of SEI “ Avicenna Tajik State Medical University” in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan were held from 24 to 29 April current year at the University "Week of Science" and the Forum of Young Scientists Includes sections "Day of industry development" (24.03.23), Competition student scientific societies (26.03.2023), the international olympiad "Avicenna-23". (05.04.2023 - 26.04.2023), Competition among students and young scientists "Innovation-23" (26.03.2023 - 26.04.2023), the 2nd international olympiad in dentistry (27-28 April 2023) and XVIII scientific - practical Conference of young scientists and students of SEI “Avicenna Tajik State Medical University” on the theme "Science and innovations in medicine-2023".

Also in the framework of science week international symposium “Topical issues of oncology” with participation of prominent scientists from Switzerland, Russian Federation and India will be held, where achievements and current issues of oncology will be highlighted, in domestic and foreign scientists will discuss modern achievements and problems, exchange views on the problem of oncology.

The work of the conference envisaged the participation of internal scientists and politicians, as well as the visit and participation of 76 guests of the conference - foreign academicians and scientists from Switzerland, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. and Armenia, as well as the participation of academicians and scientists from other foreign countries.

The achievements of young scientists and students of the country and foreign colleagues, problems of fundamental and practical research in medicine, modern and innovative technologies in theoretical and clinical medicine, the use of new scientific achievements in the process of higher medical education will be presented to the wide range of participants of the conference.

The topics of peer-reviewed reports are varied and include achievements and problems in different fields of medicine, including surgery, pediatrics and pediatric surgery, internal medicine, cardiovascular surgery, oncology, urology, dentistry, family medicine, theoretical medical sciences, pharmacy and devoted to non-medical theoretical sciences, etc.

The conference will consist of 5 symposiums and 8 sections, and will be led by prominent scientists and professors of the university and other reputable national and foreign scientific institutions.

It should be noted that every year the number of conference participants and the number of submitted articles increases. As of this year, 1544 scientific theses were submitted to the conference, 440 of which are from near and far abroad countries. More than 527 scientific articles and reports of scientists and young scientists were discussed at the conference, 139 of which were submitted by the participants from foreign countries.

The materials of these conferences are published as a collection of scientific materials, the electronic version of which is available to active participants and guests of the conference.

At the end of the conference will be adopted the conference Resolution, which will contribute to the introduction of modern achievements of foreign and domestic scientists in the practice of medical science, progress in health care, the improvement of society.


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Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

28.04.2023 887