Clean-up day was conducted at the ATSMU

Clean-up day was conducted at the ATSMU

Ecological environment is an integral part of universal and national culture and includes a set of social relations, moral values, norms and methods of interaction of society with the environment. It is beneficial to acquire ecological knowledge and take care of the environment in order to ensure and strengthen the healthy life of society and every person. Taking these goals into account, today, 15. 10. 2022, a Shabbat was held at the University and its structural units with the participation of the employees of the farm department, teachers and students. On this Saturday, the participants contributed to the cleaning of the interior, the courtyard, the gardens, the surroundings of the administrative and educational buildings and other structural units of the University located in Sino and Ismail Somoni districts of Dushanbe city. The participants arranged the trees, bushes, flowers and lawns, cleaned the lawns, alleys and waterways of dried leaves, fallen trees and other debris.

Keeping the environment beautiful and beautiful, paying attention to historical monuments and protecting nature is a civic duty and the main mission of patriotism. Collective events and sabbaticals are permanent at the University, and the employees and students together make their valuable contribution to the cleanliness of the natural environment, the prosperity of the University, and the prosperity of our dear capital – Dushanbe city.

Valiev Davlatyor

Journalist of the Rector’s Service


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

15.10.2022 1948