Celebration of Victory Day

Celebration of Victory Day

May 9 is celebrated annually as Victory Day over Fascism throughout the former Soviet Union and beyond. This year is celebrating the 76th anniversary of the road to freedom achieved in exchange for the sacrifice of 26 million martyrs. The annual celebration of Victory Day as a national holiday is a sign to honor heroes and the glorious military traditions of glorious fathers. On the 4th of May this year 5th year students of the Faculty of Dentistry together with their instructor visited the Victory Park in the capital city. This garden was decorated with fresh seasonal flowers on the eve of this great holiday. The students returned with a lot of positive impressions and took pictures from this park.

Head of the department of dentistry treatment

Yorakov F.M

Assistant on education Rasulova S.I.


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

05.05.2023 735