Celebration of the 25th anniversary of National Unity and the 30th anniversary of the 16th session of the Supreme Soviet in Rudaki Park

Celebration of the 25th anniversary of National Unity and the 30th anniversary of the 16th session of the Supreme Soviet in  Rudaki Park

In the post-Soviet history of Tajikistan, June 27th is officially recognized as the Day of National Unity of the Republic of Tajikistan, and the people of the country celebrate this date as a sacred day.

In all his speeches, the Supreme Leader of the country, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, President of the our country, esteemed Emomali Rahmon called Tajik national unity the nation's greatest and most sacred achievement from the rostrum.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of this sacred document. On the occasion of this truly gracious holiday, ceremonial political, cultural, and educational programs and events are being developed and implemented in all corners of the country.

In this regard, June 8th this year, based on the received letter and prepared by the Committee on Youth and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Plan of cultural and mass events dedicated to the Youth Day, Day of National Unity and 30th anniversary of the 16th Session of the Supreme Soviet of the country the Social Marketing Division of the Service of the Rector of the SEI "ATSMU" and creative team of the University "Shifo" in the Park of Culture "Rudaki" a good cultural and educational program, consisting of patriotic poems and songs, "Self-knowledge, Youth and Love" was held in Tajik, Russian, Uzbek, Hindi, Kazakh, Turkish and Turkmen languages, which were welcomed by guests and residents of the capital. The event lasted 90 minutes, and the members of the band "Shifo" brightened the mood of the park with their songs. Everyone danced and cheered. And they were grateful for the peace, unity and national independence of our beloved Motherland.

The contribution of the Department of Youth Affairs of the University is also significant to make this club more attractive.

. At the end of the event, the Committee on Youth and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan awarded a “letter of gratitude” to the university administration for continuous cooperation in the field of culture and education such program expressed gratitude to the administration of SEI “ATSMU” and its rector Gulzoda M.Q.


Social marketing department

         Rector’s Service of the SEI “ATSMU”


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

10.06.2022 645