Extremism among young people is gaining momentum in modern society. This problem is becoming an increasingly acute issue that requires immediate attention. Young people are undoubtedly one of the most susceptible groups prone to radicalization and adoption of extremist views. One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is a low level of knowledge and inadequate perception of information.

Extremism is a phenomenon that accompanies various forms of activity aimed at violence, intolerance and disregard for human rights. It can manifest itself both in public actions and agitation and in propaganda via the Internet and social media. Young people, especially those who have grown up in difficult socio-economic conditions or under the influence of violent ideologies, are often at the forefront of this phenomenon.

The low level of knowledge among young people is one of the main reasons for their propensity to extremism. Most young people are not fully educated and have limited access to information. They are unable to critically analyze the information offered to them and cannot distinguish truths from lies. This makes them vulnerable to manipulation by extremist organizations and ideas. However, the low level of knowledge is not exclusively a problem of youth. It reflects the crisis of education in our society.

Insufficient funding, ineffective teaching methods and lack of quality teaching materials have a negative impact on the educational system. Strange but true, all too often incompetent teachers accustom the younger generation to a superficial approach to learning, depriving them of the opportunity to develop critical thinking. Another important aspect of youth extremism is the social environment. Often, groups with the sole purpose of supporting and spreading the ideas of extremist organizations have already formed among young people. This circumstance creates a dangerous vortex for those seeking acceptance and community. Radical ideas and beliefs are transmitted within this factor and become the norm.

The Internet and social media play a significant role in the spread of extremist ideas among young people. Young people are spending more and more time in the online space, where they are exposed to an intense information attack that can influence their worldview. Moreover, the Internet offers young people anonymity and the opportunity to freely exchange radical ideas, which strengthens and entrenches their positions. To overcome the problem of youth extremism, comprehensive measures should be taken. First of all, the educational system should be reformed with an emphasis on the development of critical thinking and regular updating of educational materials. Teachers should be given more opportunities for professional development, and schools and universities should become places of active communication and emotional support. In addition, there is a need to improve the availability of information about radical ideologies and their consequences. This can be achieved through information campaigns, educational seminars and the use of the media. It is important that young people receive objective and reasoned information about different ideas, not just distorted or biased opinions. Social programs and opportunities to educate young people in tolerance and respect for human rights should also be a priority.

The state and community should provide platforms for youth to socialize and develop their talents in order to offer them a constructive alternative to extremist activities. The level of extremism among youth is one of the major challenges facing modern societies. It requires comprehensive, systemic solutions. It is necessary to improve the level of education and accessibility to reliable information, to promote critical thinking and to support the social communication and integration of young people. Only in this way can we tackle this problem and ensure a sustainable future for our society.

S.A.Muminjonov - Head of the department of microbiology,

immunology and virussiology


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

12.10.2023 755