Causes of early pregnancy miscarriage

Causes of early pregnancy miscarriage

A miscarriage (spontaneous abortion, spontaneous abortion) is a spontaneous abortion before the 22nd week of pregnancy. According to statistics, 15-20% of pregnancies end this way. Early miscarriage refers to spontaneous abortion that occurs in the first 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. A curious pattern has been found: more often than natural pregnancies, artificially induced pregnancies end in miscarriage. For example, in vitro fertilization, unfortunately, does not always lead to a safe pregnancy and the birth of a baby on time.


Here are the most common reasons, each of which significantly increases the threat of miscarriage:

1.     The presence of certain infectious diseases in the expectant mother, as well as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

2.     Hormonal malfunctions, including - provoked by thyroid disorder;

3.     Various neoplasms in the uterus, as well as the cervix and its pathologies.

4. obesity

5.     Diabetes mellitus

6.     Violation of the immune status

7.     Unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, smoking, taking narcotic and psychotropic drugs, etc.)

8.     Prolonged stay in stress or severe psycho-emotional trauma in a woman.

9.     All kinds of pathologies of chromosomes and genes.

10. Too early or excessively mature age of the patient multiplies the threat of miscarriage.

11. Blood conflict in the mother and fetus.

A pregnant woman should seek immediate medical attention if she has any of the following warning signs:

- bleeding from the vagina;

- oozing discharge from the genital tract. It may be light pink, or intensely red or brownish in color;

- cramping;

- severe lower back pain;

- abdominal pain, etc.

All the above signs may turn out to be symptoms of miscarriage. Timely qualified medical assistance is the key to preserving pregnancy. If a woman failed to carry a pregnancy, doctors obstetricians - gynecologists recommend planning a new pregnancy not earlier than six months after the miscarriage.


Mirzoeva N.R. assistant professor of the department of public health

and medical statistics and with a course

translated Ismoilov R.

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