Explosives, arson, vandalism of especially important facilities, residential houses. This is the most terrible type of terrorist act. In the course of this act, a large number of people are killed, injured and left homeless. Of course, such an act creates confusion among the people, as a consequence, puts people in panic and directly forces the authorities to agree (or partially agree) to the proposals of terrorists and extremists for the sake of the safety of citizens and the release of hostages.

Murder and deliberate harm to the health of citizens. This type of terrorist act is primarily aimed at eliminating one or another influential person of the relevant state institutions (Government, Ministry of Internal Affairs, security), representatives of the media, dignified state officials, as well as criminals who achieve their goals. will be Here are examples of assassinations: the assassination of Bashirkhon Ishoqi, Minhoj Gholomov, Muhammad Osimi, Saif Rahimi in Tajikistan, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi (India) and others.

Threats to kill and destroy government and political officials. This type of terrorist act is intended for terrorist organizations or individual terrorists to demand, by threat of murder and destruction, that officials or the government remove a person from office and delay the passage of a law. If this action is not carried out, they will continue to threaten to kill and destroy political and government officials by any means necessary. This form of terrorist action is also used to change the state structure.

The causes of extremism origin are as varied as its forms. The following can be considered as these causes:

- Low level of religious and secular knowledge, lack of legal knowledge;

- material;

- ideological;

- desire for a coup and dissatisfaction with the real situation;

- interest in new activities;

- presence of deficiencies of family upbringing;

- decline in the standard of living;

- personal enmity between leaders of political parties and between political figures; - violation of religious and ethnic rights;

- low level of information culture;

- religious activities of foreign representatives, etc.

Each of these forms has its own peculiarities, but they are linked by destructive, aggressive, violent manifestations without a clear goal.

Educational department


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

19.09.2023 1097