Benefits of the muslim fast of uraza on human health

Benefits of the muslim fast of uraza on human health

Uraza is a Muslim fast that lasts for 30 days. Believers abstain from food and water, intimacy and smoking every day from dawn until sunset. The specificity of fasting in Islam is that it is not the composition of food that is restricted, but the time of its acceptance.

Fasting in Ramadan is a religious duty, the fulfillment of which benefits not only the soul, but also the body. Studies show that the body of a person who fasts, especially in the month of Ramadan, gets a good health-improving effect, a kind of health charge for the whole year.

In the body of a fasting person, due to abstinence from food and drink, internal resources are mobilized, which leads to reduction of fat reserves and release of accumulated toxins.

Proper observance of Ramadan fasting leads to an increase in immunity. The fasting person should follow a balanced diet at the time of breaking the fast (iftar) and before the morning meal (suhur). According to research, abstaining from eating during fasting leads to a decrease and even disappearance of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions. There are suggestions that fasting may help cure inflammatory bowel diseases. During Ramadan fasting, insulin sensitivity increases and this is a very important feature. Increased cellular sensitivity to insulin leads to better regulation of blood sugar levels after a meal, which reduces the burden on the pancreas.

If the fasting person had high blood pressure, it comes back to normal in the vast majority of cases. Blood pressure in a fasting body is reduced, with proper diet between fasts.

When fasting properly during Ramadan, when a person does not overeat during repast, the digestive system gets a much needed rest. It is a kind of time-out after a year of hard work, giving the gastrointestinal tract a chance to recover.

The fasting body activates processes that lead to rapid weight loss by reducing body fat stores. At the same time, fasting is not the best means of losing weight. It will be more effective to reduce the consumption of foods containing fats and sugar, and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables. The practice of fasting shows that the body of the fasting person decreases the craving for processed foods and increases the desire to eat more natural foods, fruits and vegetables, and drinks. Hence the conclusion that the month of fasting is a great opportunity to accustom oneself to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Fasting in Ramadan helps a lot to get rid of bad habits and addictions. These include addiction to smoking, drinking alcohol, and other bad habits. In the process of fasting the body gets rid of cravings for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and other harmful substances. Before the main meal it is desirable to drink two glasses of water. It will dull the feeling of hunger and replenish the missing fluid in the body. Moreover, preference should be given to water, not juices and any other drinks, and certainly not carbonated, which can simply cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Relaxation in fasting is allowed for children, the elderly, the sick, pregnant, lactating, postpartum women and travelers

Department of pharmacology

Translated Ismoilov R.

02.04.2024 1038