The educational programs of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University are conformed to the International Education Standards and have been completely accredited

The educational programs of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University are conformed to the International Education Standards and have been completely accredited

Avicenna Tajik State Medical University is one of the most prestigious of higher educational institutions in the Republic of Tajikistan and plays a significant role in the training of highly qualified health professionals and improving the health of the population. This sacred place with its famous personnel, valuable traditions, field schools, scientific and creative achievements is a proud for the Tajik people . The material, technical, technological and personnel resources of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University are suitable for its mission and have educational, administrative, laboratory, dormitories, sports grounds, residential and outbuildings.

During the first period of obtaining state independence, the Republic of Tajikistan developed and implemented a number of important documents in order to enter the unified world educational space, which laid the foundation for the development of higher education. The formation of the medical education system and its adjustment to international standards, its effectiveness is seen in their practice.

It should be emphasized that the reform of the system of medical education in the country was initiated with the attentiveness of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon. The administration of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University has accomplished many efforts to enhance the system of higher medical education. On the basis of instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, esteemed Emomali Rahmon, the highest goals of the University and its annualy action plan have been established and are being implemented. Additional assignments laid on the administration and faculty of the University originate from the regular directions of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon to Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the main directions of domestic and foreign policy".

In his statement, the Head of State Emomali Rahmon mentioned that "higher educational institutions needed to adjust the quality of higher education to international standards, strengthen and better align the material and technical base with international standards, elaborate state programs in accordance with labor market requirements., introduction of information technologies, and transition to a modern system of quality assurance in education". Furthermore, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, esteemed Emomali Rahmon, in his message highlighted that "the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Science and higher educational institutions in the admission and training of personnel, first and foremost, the priority of quality.

There are many achievements and successes in the implementation of the instructions of the Head of State and in the direction of improving and bringing the educational process in line with international standards. Providing modern education with the introduction of modern technologies and internationally recognized methods is a priority for the administration and teaching staff of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, and the authorities and teaching staff of the university seek to modernize the educational system. On the basis of the license for the right of educational activities in the field of medical and pharmaceutical education the university trains specialists in five specialties: "Medicine" (specialist level), "Pediatrics", "Public Health", "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy". Also the university has 40 specialties at postgraduate level - internship, clinical residency, primary specialization, master's degree, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies. To date, the curricula of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University have been improved in accordance with the requirements of the World Federation for Medical Education.

It should be emphasized that in 2019 for the first time the university (institutional) and 3 university educational programs in the fields of "Medicine", "Dentistry", "Public Health" were internationally accredited and approved by the Independent Accreditation Organization. rating - IAAR, a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance, was awarded a certificate of compliance.

The remaining three international training programs in "Pediatrics", "Pharmacy" and Bachelor's degree in "General Medicine" have been planned for foreign students in 2022 accreditation, and April 25, 2022 the director of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating - the IAAR awarded the certificate of compliance of these programs. It should be remind that the educational program of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University is fully (100%) accredited at the international level, corresponds to the requirements of the World Federation of Medical Education and has a certificate of eligibility.

As a result of adjustment to international educational standards, the educational system of the university was modernized and new methods of teaching and learning were incorporate. The university administration has taken additional measures to ensure the quality of education and the introduction of innovative teaching methods in the educational process.

The process of learning, assessment and evaluation of the quality of education is carried out at the University in accordance with the requirements of international standards with extensive use of modern information and communication technologies and credit system of education. The University has an electronic learning management system - LMS and intra-university Internet network, and each student has his own office, where he receives all the necessary teaching materials, information and results of ratings and examinations from all over the country. in electronic form. Parents of students can also join their children's individual classrooms and receive daily information about their children's learning results. Starting in 2019, the entire teaching staff of the university will be provided with tablets, student journals will be organized and maintained electronically. The educational process in the university is carried out with the use of modern educational and information and communication technologies, postgraduate students are fully provided with textbooks, information technology and visual aids.

In order to increase the quality of education, the chemistry building and sub-departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy have been renewed and overhauled and turned into a Pharmacy Center. All sub-departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy are equipped with modern teaching equipment and supplies, each department has organized teaching and research laboratories equipped with modern teaching and research equipment.

In fulfillment the orders of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, honorable Emomali Rahmon, the Educational Scientific and Production Center "Pharmacy" has been refurbished and equipped with modern pharmaceutical equipment, the sector of pharmaceutical production processes 28 species of domestic medical plants.

The main purpose of the Educational Scientific and Production Center "Pharmacy" is to create conditions for the organizing and conducting educational process, educational and production experiments, production, research, information about medicines and high level of professionalism in research and production Center, contributes to the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of pharmacy and their compliance with international standards. The Center intends to expand the capacity of the pharmacy field.

Avicenna Tajik State Medical University has established a Practical Skills Training Center with 14 specialty simulation rooms. For further expansion of the capabilities of the Practical Skills Training Center it is necessity to improve the quality of practical skills of medical, pediatric and postgraduate students at the expense of the World Bank grant project "Innovative Development of Pharmaceutical Education in the Republic of Tajikistan. "The project is aimed at developing this area on a broad scale, and new simulators are planned to be purchased. In this modern simulator, students can study more than 30 diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular system.

All departments and structures of the University are equipped with computers, electronic boards, multimedia, interactive screens and the Internet, and work between departments and structures is done electronically.

A lot was done at the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University to strengthen the quality of education and adjust it to the requirements of the labor market and international standards, and these efforts will be continued in the future.

Consequently, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University has made all efforts to provide medical and pharmaceutical education in accordance with national and international educational standards to train competent personnel, meet the requirements of the world labor market, and promote the scientific potential of the country's health fulfills its mission to the state and the people.

Valiev Davlatyor


Translated: Ismoilov R.

25.04.2022 945