Reporting and elective session of the primary organization of the PDPT "Vorisoni Sino" at the ATSMU

Reporting and elective session of the primary organization of the PDPT "Vorisoni Sino" at the ATSMU

Today, June 10th , 2022 in the auditorium "Sino" of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University in accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Ismoili Somoni district is going to implement a conference-election meeting of the primary organization of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan "Heirs of Sino" was started by the administration of the primary party organization "Vorisoni Sino" at the University, d.m.s,, professor Gulzoda Mahmadshoh Qurbonali. Deputy Chairman of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan Khairiniso Yusufi, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Dushanbe Karimzoda Nilufar Rahmonali, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Ismoili Somoni district Jurakhonzoda Jumakhon and media representatives attended the meeting today. 450 members of primary party organizations were invited to this meeting, and with the consent of members and other participants opened reporting meeting - the election of the primary organization of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan "Vorisoni Sino" of the ATSMU in the district of Ismoili Somoni. Seven questions were presented at the meeting

1.     Report of the primary party organization on the results of activities for the period from June 2021 to June 2022 and tasks for further activities;

2.     Approval of the Work Plan of the primary party organization for the second half of 2022 year;

3.     Election of the chairman of the primary organization "Vorisoni Sino;

4.     election of the deputy chairman of the primary party organization "Vorisoni Sino;

5.     Election of members of the administration of a primary organization of the Vorisoni Sino party (primary organizations with 30 to 300 party members are elected by the administration )

6.     Election of deputies to the Report and Election Conference of the PDPT organizations in the district of Ismoili Somoni;

7.     Organizational issues.

At the reporting meeting of the primary organization of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan "Vorisoni Sino" of the ATSMU in Ismoili Somoni district approved the plan of activities of the primary organization "Vorisoni Sino" for the second half of 2022, the chairman of the primary organization of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan " Vorisoni Sino " was elected. At the current meeting, d.m.s., prpfessor Gulzoda Mahmadshoh Qurbonali was re-elected chairman of the primary organization Party “Vorisoni Sino” and in his speech emphasized: "As chairman of the primary organization Party “Vorisoni Sino”, I try for the successful implementation of the successful policy of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, the Honorable Chairman of our Party, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon use all opportunities and made efforts and historical masterpieces of the “Vorisoni Sino" and together with you, dear comrades, to contribute to the development and prosperity of our beloved motherland and nation. Each of us must respect national values, peace, unity, and national independence, and on the basis of these sacred achievements in prosperity and in the creative and worthy presentation of good and useful undertakings, we must serve our people and homeland faithfully and faithfully. !"

At the report and election meeting of the primary organization of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan "Vorisoni Sino" of Ismoili Somoni district, in-depth discussions of proposed issues and the consensus of members and participants were talked.

Remember that all the issues raised at the meeting of the primary party organization "Vorisoni Sino" of the ATSMU in Ismoili Somoni district were considered and resolved.

Valiev Davlatyor


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov


10.06.2022 605