Attention and care for the orphans and the needy persons on the eve of Fitr

Attention and care for the orphans and the needy persons on the eve of Fitr

In the holy month of Ramadan, on the eve of Fitr, the University Administration and the Student’s Trade Union Committee of the University provided financial assistance to 140 orphans and disabled children.

          A tree grows with water, and people grow with love. A human child always needs warmth and sincere affection. In particular, the orphan most of all needs love and affection. From this point of view, there is no better feeling when a person makes an orphan happy and laughs. Because orphans and disabled children are depressed and heartbroken in life, they are extremely fragile and most of all need support and love.

It is a human mission if a person sees a disabled and poor orphan in a state of discomfort and depression and makes him happy and removes the feeling of sadness from him. 140 orphans and disabled people are registered in our university.

          The Founder of peace and national unity - the Leader of orphans breeder and disabled people his excellency Emomali Rahmon has always supported this vulnerable group of society and provided all the necessary conditions for them. It should be said that this policy of the great leader of the nation has been followed by the University Board in recent years and provides assistance to orphans, the poor and people with limited means.

In the future, these financial assistances will be implemented by the university Administration and STUCU in every event.

Safarov B.B.,

Student’s Trade Union Committee of the University


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

20.04.2023 922