ATSMU's student was awarded a scholarship of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

ATSMU's student  was awarded a scholarship of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

As part of the implementation of the "State Program of Education, Selection and Placement of Leaders of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2017-2022" summed up the six-month training course "School of Young Leaders" with the participation of the Chairman of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs Kurbonzoda Khilobi Jumakhon, prominent politicians Khidirzoda M.Yu, Kurbanova R.A., Ayubi B. with the presentation of certificates to students and scholarships to active and excellent students of higher and secondary special educational institutions.

10 active girls headed by the Нead of the Council of Women and Girls Usmanova G.M. were trained at ATSMU. Scholarship of the Committee was granted to Kamolova Shakhnoza, the 4th year student, group 27 of medical faculty. 

Head of Committee for women and girls                        Usmanova G.M   

Translated: Ismoilov R.

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