“Spiritual and moral education of student youth on the example of the activities of the famous Russian doctor and writer A.P. Chekhov"(1860-1904)

 “Spiritual and moral education of student youth on the example of the activities of the famous Russian doctor and writer A.P. Chekhov"(1860-1904)

“A student scientific and practical conference was held at the Department of the Russian Language of the SEI ”Avicenna TSMU” from April 19 to April 23, 2022, dedicated to the topic: “Spiritual and moral education of student youth on the example of the activities of the famous Russian doctor and writer A.P. Chekhov”.

The conference was attended by 1st year students of all faculties of the university and curatorial groups.

The conference was opened by acting Head of the Department of the Russian Language, Ph.D., Professor U.R. Yuldoshev, who greeted the participants, wished everyone success in their studies and research activities. Then he reminded the students that in the conditions of modern reality, the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of the personality of student youth is very relevant.The main goal of the spiritual and moral education of student youth is the formation of a moral personality, the promotion of spiritual experience and familiarization with the values of traditional culture, including humanity, a culture of behavior. A medical worker is not only a specialty, but also a vocation that requires special personality traits.

Among numerous medical scientists, the activities of the famous Russian doctor and writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who this year turns 162 years old (1860-1904), are of great importance in shaping the worldview and educating the future generation.

Associate Professor of the Department M.R. Nazarova, Ph.D. ped. Sciences. A.M. Mirzoev, senior lecturer S.A. Khotamova, teachers M.A. Kholmatova, O.A. Lysykh, D.Kh. Sultonova, N.Sh. Aliyeva R.R. Kamolova and others in their speeches noted that the study of the works of great thinkers and the works of the famous Russian doctor and writer A.P. Chekhov forms the worldview and knowledge of the younger generation, improves the culture of speech of medical students in the Russian language classes.

The event was held as part of the educational plan. The students' reports were devoted to Chekhov's topics. The listeners were especially interested in the reports devoted to the literary works of the writer. The participants of the conference had an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and with the opinion of contemporaries about the writer himself. The conference ended with the viewing of the documentary film “A.P. Chekhov”.

S.A. Khotamova, R.R. Kamolova, D.Kh. Sultanova, teachers of the Russian language department, 

D.M.Najmiddinova teacher of the foreign language department SEI “Avicenna TSMU”.

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