Graduation ceremony in 2022 at ATSMU

Graduation ceremony in 2022 at ATSMU

June 11th , 2022 in the auditorium of "Sino" of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University a solemn event was held in order to mark the graduation of students this year. The Minister of Health and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Jamoliddin Abdullozoda took part in the ceremony.

During the current event d.m.s., professor Gulzoda Mahmadshoh Qurbonali and Minister of Health and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Jamoliddin Abdullozoda have spoken a speech. The speakers sincerely congratulated this year's graduates on this truly memorable and unforgettable day - the successful completion of their studies at the highest medical institutions and the awarding of the honorary title of doctor, wishing each of them happiness and well-being.

          It was also noted that "The University has its challenges during the period of study and professional formation, but graduates with a strong will and the sweet intentions and dreams of youth stepped into this holy place and patiently overcame the difficulties of the professional path. Today, we can be proud that our graduates have successfully passed their first life exams and have opened a wide pathway for independent professional activity."

It was marked that 1,518 native students graduated the Medical University in 2022, 17 of whom received "excellent" diplomas . According to the results of final examinations, this year 1874 students graduated, among them 1164 graduated from the medical faculty, 96 - from pediatric faculty, 166 - from dental faculty, 63 - from pharmaceutical faculty, and 29 - from medical and prophylactic faculty. Of the total number of graduates under the Presidential quota, 253 are studying, including 356 international students.

The emphasis of the Great Leader of the Nation in his annual Address to Majlisi Oli on improvement of the students’ knowledge , their familiarization with scientific and technical achievements, their orientation to healthy way of life is quite appropriate and urges us to use all opportunities in this direction. Because only with science and knowledge, intelligence, invention and innovation can we be proud of people. We, educators, are proud that you, graduates of this sacred place, today join the ranks of thousands of young people in the country and contribute to the implementation of public health policies.

It is important not to forget that graduation is only the beginning. In order to become a good and knowledgeable doctor and to solve the problems of thousands of people in need, must continue to learn and adopt the experience of older colleagues, which will be the main way to work. Because only the practical application of the knowledge gained over the past six years, caring for the sick and needy determines the level of professionalism and leads to the trust, sincerity and conviction of people.

It was said, "We are confident that this year's graduates will feel even more responsible in this regard and will contribute more to establishing a wide range of medical activities in areas where there is a need for young medical personnel. We must not forget that each of you, wherever you are, to achieve a level of professional development will not be left without the attention of faculty and management of the university and the ministry, and we are ready at any moment to help you develop professionally.

          It was proudly noted that graduates of ATSMU work in more than 50 countries, which is our pride and helps to raise the prestige of our country and our people in the international arena.       

At the end, the rector of ATSMU, d.m.s., professor Gulzoda Mahmadshoh Qurbonali and Minister of Health and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Jamoliddin Abdullozoda congratulated the graduates on graduation and wished them success in their honorable medical profession. 

Rector’s Service


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

11.06.2022 781