On December 28th, a presentation was held on the topic « TOP 10 NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS», by 2nd year bachelor students, 12th group - Juhi Gupta and Khushi Yadav under the guidance of the assistant of the department of propaedeutics of children diseases Rakhmatullaeva M.A.

There are 10 top resolutions for the incoming New Year which we should consider.

1.     Lose weight. How we can do it: do not skip breakfast, eat regular meals, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, get more active, drink plenty of water, eat high fiber containing foods, read food labels, use a smaller plate.

2.     Get organized. Throw away clothes that you haven't worn for over a year, Don't put things on the floor - put them back in place, keep your car clean, clean your bed every day, don't keep gadgets that you no longer use at home, take 15 minutes a day to clean quickly, get rid of waste paper, create storage systems for the whole family, get rid of paper reams.          

3.     Save money. Learn the value of money, how to save money - we define a goal, do home bookkeeping, learn how to distribute money spent, save on utility bills.

4.     Enjoy your life. Slow down your run, open yourself up to beauty, see funny things, listen to yourself, have a hobby.

5.     Stay healthy and fit. Eat healthy food, do not consume liquid calories, exercise, optimal sleep, rest in sanatoriums, quitting bad habits, walking in the fresh air, stop being lazy.

6.     Learn something exciting.7. Quit smoking. 8. Help others in their dreams. Always be kind for everyone is fighting a battle. 9. Fall in love. 10. Spend more time with family – family is not an important thing. It’s everything.

My Happy New Year wish for you
Is for your best year yet,
A year where life is peaceful,
And what you want, you get.


                                               Department of propaedeutics of children diseases

12.01.2022 574