On December 8, 2023 at the department of biochemistry of the State Educational Institution «Avicenna Tajik State Medical University»" an extraordinary meeting of the SSS on the initiative of students was held, which was attended by the participants of the SSS, faculty staff and young teachers.

At the meeting two topical topics, which were chosen by the students themselves, were discussed: "Stress and depression in the modern world" and "The influence of alcoholic beverages on the human body".

Aziza Tuichieva 2nd year student of group 68, spoke on the first topic, and Rahimi Faridun spoke on the second topic. It was emphasized that these problems are very topical, especially in the present time. The reports were very interesting for the students, there was a heated discussion about the harm of stress and the harm of alcoholic beverages. The reports were presented in the form of a presentation and contained a lot of interesting information and statistics.   

At the end of the meeting the teachers summarized the topics and made a conclusion about the necessity to lead a proper lifestyle.

Head of Student Scientific Society

Senior lecturer at the department of biochemistry

Ustobaeva N.Kh.

Translated Ismoilov R.


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