Scientific achievements of Tajik scientists in the years of independence of the Republic of Tajikistan

Scientific achievements of Tajik scientists in the years of independence of the Republic of Tajikistan

At the initiative of the National Museum of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on April 14, at the Museum an exhibition and national scientific there was held conferencev on "Scientific achievements of Tajik scientists in the years of independence" dedicated to the "Week of Science" . The purpose of the conference was attracting more women to scientific research, their significant contribution to the development of modern science, the presentation of women's scientific activities in the country. The conference was attended by doctors of sciences, scientists and researchers, graduate and post-graduate students. The conference was opened by Ibodullozoda Ahliddin Ibodullo, director of the National Museum . Then, scientific presentations were made by Tajik scientists.

There were participated Kurbanbekova Parvina Kamchibekovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor - Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Rukhshona Jalolidinovna, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, head of department of science and innovations.

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