Sada is a holiday of ancient Aryans

Sada is a holiday of ancient Aryans

At the department of dermatovenerology reports on the topic "Sada - the holiday of ancient Aryans" were performed. The students of the 4th year of pediatric faculty told about the fact that the holiday of Sada has a history of many thousands of years, but due to various reasons it was not officially celebrated for several centuries. This fact does not indicate that it has been forgotten. Centuries-old traditions are passed from mouth to mouth. Many farmers on this day did not stop conducting appropriate rituals of fertility of the land.

After the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Holidays" the holiday was revived. In his Message to Majlisi Oli dated 22. 12.2017, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan noted the need to revive national holidays in order to "promote creative morality and spirituality". For the first time in several decades, it was solemnly celebrated in the Republic of Tajikistan in 2018. The day of its celebration is considered to be 50 days before another holiday - Navruz (therefore in translation "Sada" means "hundred", i.e. 50 days and 50 nights). The main symbol of Sada is fire. Fire symbolizes, according to Zoroastrian religion, purity and light. Our ancestors called spring, warmth, light, prosperity, well-being. On this day, the more dressed up a person is, the richer the dastarkhon are covered, the more abundant the year will be. An obligatory attribute is wheat, flour products, fruits. The main dish is "Dalda", which includes mutton meat, flour, beans. From the medical point of view, this dish, consumed in the height of winter, raises immunity, reduces inflammatory processes, is caloric.

On December 6, 2023, during the 18th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, the joint nomination of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran "Garden Feast" was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.


Mukhamadieva K.M., doctor of medical sciences, head of the department,

Ismatulloeva S.S., candidate of medical sciences, docent of the department

translated Ismoilov R.

31.01.2024 588