At the department of propaedeutics of children diseases of SEI «ATSMU» 14.12.23 year an open lesson was held on the topic of « Sada holiday » with the participation of teachers of the department and foreign students of the 84th group of the 3rd year (teacher – Kasymova P.V).

The Sada holiday is also one of the ancient holidays of the Aryan peoples. The essence of the Sada festival lies in the victory of light over darkness, warmth over cold and good over evil, and people celebrate it by lighting large bonfires.     Every year Sada is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Bahman (11th month according to the solar calendar), which is equal to January 30th according to the chronology of the birth of Christ.    The main purpose of the Sada holiday is to respect light, illumination and warmth. In empirical histories it is stated that by kindling a fire, peoples called for spring, warmth and light. The purpose of the people in its celebration is considered to be the beginning of preparation for field work and gardening.    Sada is a holiday for young and old, women and men and, in general, all citizens. He did not belong and does not belong to any religion.

   Regarding the decoding of the term “Sada”, different opinions are mentioned in historical and artistic sources. Among other things, the most common folk description is the following: “Sada” is taken from the number one hundred (100) and means fifty days and fifty nights before the onset of Navruz. But according to historians, the term “sada” comes from the word “sand” in the book of Avesta, meaning appearance and becoming reality. That is, the appearance of light and heat.

   This holiday represents the memory of the Aryan period, which in historical and artistic sources is attributed to the historical hero Khushang. In particular, Abulkosim Firdavsi in “Shahname” about the founding of the Sada holiday says that one day Shah Khushang went hunting with his relatives and saw a long and dark-colored snake in the mountains. Hushang picks up a large stone and throws it towards the snake, the snake runs away, but this stone hits another, creating a spark, due to which all the dry grass is burned out. Until this time, people did not know the method of starting a fire. Hushang and his relatives rejoiced at the discovery of the secret of kindling fire and considered it a divine blessing. Shah Khushang thanked God for revealing to the people the secret of kindling the fire and, returning to his city, celebrated this event.

A huge flame burned all night

He sat before the fire with his men all night

They had fun over a cup of wine

That holiday is called Sada from time immemorial

We honor that holiday as the memory of Khushang,

This is how a ruler should be!

(Firdausi. “Shahname”)

The Sada holiday was known from the time of the Aryans to the period of the reign of the Ghaznavids and Seljuks, and in some regions before the conquests of the Mongols, it was celebrated in the courtyard and among the people along with the holidays of Navruz and Mehrgon. After the XII-XIII centuries. under the influence of the clergy, the celebration of the Sada was canceled by the shahs and it turned into a national holiday and has survived to this day in the form of festivities.

A description of the Sada holiday during the reign of the Samanids and Ghaznavids can be observed in historical and artistic works, especially in qasidas.

At the initiative of the respected Leader of the nation, Founder of peace and national unity, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, the Sada holiday in our country is officially celebrated annually on January 30. The Republic of Tajikistan is the only country in which the Mehrgon and Sada holidays have specific celebration days.



                              Department of propaedeutics of children diseases

14.12.2023 799