“One who does not know the history of his past cannot build his future”.

Emomali Rahmon

There are different opinions about the origin of Sada holiday. Some researchers and scholars consider it Oriya festival era, while others consider it before the Oriya era. In any case, however, the origin of the Sada holiday and the legends associated with it are related to the question of the combination of light and fire, and they point to the evolution of the formation of the Aryan peoples, that they took this holiay from the ancient and later brought it to the present day. If we approach the Sada holiday from this perspective, the essence of the elements of the sun, light, and fire each of which has a special relationship to human life and nature, is first manifested. Everyone knows that it is through the light of the sun that all creatures of the world live and move. In this connection, the leader of the nation has an interesting reference in his writings, which is as follows:

“Among the many forces of evil, in the plains and forests of Central Asia, which exposed the human soul to torment and destruction, drought and darkness were especially harmful. They were found to be effective against the enumerated forces of evil, pain, fire and lightning. Contrary to darkness, the sun was considered sacred as a powerful element. That is why the sun was praised and revered by many people of the ancient world”.

Emomali Rahmon


Due to the advent of the Sada holiday, Tajiks clean ditches and drains and frost orchards and vineyards. At the same time, prior to the arrival of Sada, techniques are carried out to prepare the land for planting and feeding the trees.

      Celebrating Tajik folk and national holidays and traditions, such as Sada, Navruz, Mehrgon, in order to revive and transmit their Tajik nuances to the next generation, is a vital duty of every healthy person in Tajik society.

Department of education of the basics of children's diseases


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

24.01.2023 884