Regular session of the Educational-Methodical Council of the University

Regular session of the Educational-Methodical Council of the University

At a regular meeting of the Educational-Methodical Council of the University under the chairmanship of the Academic Council Chairman, doctor of medical sciences, professor Ibodzoda S.T. and heads of several departments of the University discussed the following issues:

1. Consideration of the preparation to summer exam session 2021-2022 academic year

2. Approval of methodical proposals

3. Current issues

The meeting was moderated by S.T. Ibodzoda, Chairman of the Educational and Methodological Council, and presented the agenda of the next EMC session. Chairman of the Council noted that every year students take distance and current exams, despite the fact that the number of test questions have been increased to 2500-3000. In order to improve the level and quality of education, we organize the transfer of practical skills.

According to the order of the university's rector at the Department of Human Anatomy and Latin Medical Terminology named after. A. Rakhimov, students of medical and pediatric faculties passed practical skills for examination in the department. Students who did not pass practical skills were not allowed to take the exam. Departments of histology, pathological anatomy, topographic anatomy, normal physiology, pathological physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and major departments of dental and pharmaceutical faculties need a mechanism for recruiting and evaluating practical skills. Practical skills should be acquired by professors, associate professors, senior lecturers with the participation of board members, deans and deputy deans.

With the integration of global education and the globalization of assessment of various methods of teaching in higher medical education, great importance is attached to the knowledge of students.

Also at the meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council, the proposed instructions and methodological guidelines from the university departments were reviewed and approved.

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