"Shohnoma" by Abulqosim Firdavsiy - national epic of the Aryan people, written by Firdavsiu in 970-1005 years, covering 60 thousand verses in 35 years. Firdavsiy's youth fell on the period of formation of the first national state of Tajiks - Somons, the period of formation of the Tajik people. In addition to his native language, the poet also learned Arabic and Pahlavi. Thus, he was able to use all the works written in these languages when writing "Shahnoma".

The entire "Shohnoma" is dedicated to freedom and independence, protection of borders and ancestral lands, courage and loyalty to the Motherland, and promotes and encourages the highest human qualities. In 1994, by special decision of UNESCO, the millennium of "Shohnoma" was celebrated all over the world. After the glorification of this masterpiece, literature researchers came to the conclusion that Firdausi's status in the narrative is equal to that of Homer, the epic poet of ancient Greece. Abulqasim Firdavsiy is the brightest face of Tajik history with a world status. Had it not been for him, many aspects of history, civilization and our ancestors would have remained obscure. There are fewer people who have served the preservation and survival of the language, history and invaluable culture of Tajik ancestors to such an extent as this scholar.

Shohnoma is a historical fact, and there are events that the glorious Tajik people have traced in the course of history. Updating old stories, preserving the language is what Firdavsiy did. There are still many people who, due to some mistake because of their civilization and long history, have lost their language and today speak a foreign language. Firdavsiy gave his youth so that our history and civilization would not be forgotten. Until now, "Shohnoma" by Firdavsiy has been published in various languages of the world, including Russian, English, French, ancestral script and a number of other languages of the world, and will provide a worthy service for a deeper understanding of the rich history of the ancestors of the Tajiks. The historical value of this fundamental work is extremely great, and Firdavsiy, through his more than three-year effort, has introduced us and the peoples of the world to the pages of the colorful history of the ancestors of the Tajiks. In the present conditions, when every member of society needs self-consciousness and protection of its historical memory more than ever, reading this eternal parallel will fully contribute to the expansion of the sense of patriotism and national pride, and increase the level of education of the population. our society.

Valiev Davlatyor

journalist of the rector’s Service

translated Ismoilov R.

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