Dr. Alaei Names Dushanbe Among the Three Safest Capitals for COVID-19

Dr. Alaei Names Dushanbe Among the Three Safest Capitals for COVID-19

The President of the Institute for International Health and Education in New York, Dr. Arash Alaei considers Dushanbe among the three best capitals in the world that has successfully coped with the pandemic. He stated this yesterday in an interview.

“I would place Dushanbe among the top three capitals that have coped best with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said the well-known Iranian-born American virologist.

Also, he added that, additionally to the capital of Tajikistan, the other cities on the list are“similar to each other in some parameters.»

For examole the capital of Bhutan — Thimphu and the capital of Senegal — Dakar, both curbed the spread of the virus by implementing timely and decisive measures. The beneficial effects of fresh air, natural food and the sun also helped in this matter.

The world press also noted the low spread of the coronavirus in Dakar and Thimphu despite the huge number of foreign tourists and entrepreneurs visiting these countries.

NIAT Khovar

14.07.2021 566