COVID-19 what kind of virus exists and what is a danger to human health, and how people should protect themselves from this disease!

 COVID-19 what kind of virus exists and what is a danger to human health, and how people should protect themselves from this disease!

    The origin of the new virus has become known as COVID-19 and is one of the virus family of roots, the outbreak of this virus is already the third time it has been registered. For the first time, one type of these viruses was in November 2002 in the province of  Guangzhou in the People's Republic of China called ARVI, as a result of an outbreak of the virus, 8273 people were poisoned and 775 of them died.

   The second time, when there was one of them, a recruitment with the name of the mayors was discovered. The MERS virus, which is also known as a type of corona virus, was discovered in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. This type of virus was spread in 23 countries of the world and infected 1,154 people, 431 of them died. After all, the third outbreak of this virus occurs for more than one year, putting a common cause for alarm that has already passed from the level of an epidemic of death.

   As a result of the lack of integrity and non-compliance with personal hygiene, humanity has faced an outbreak of these viruses. Hygiene is really necessary for every person and the result of the outbreak of all these diseases is not the observance of hygienic cleanliness for a person. Medicine has proved that few people show their hygienic cleanliness.

   The acute effect of this disease on the human body affects the human body, increasing appetite and weakening it, up to 50 degrees, while the human body is not able to withstand a temperature of more than 42 degrees and as a result, a person dies. For some time, secondary care for COVID-19 infections continues in the world.

  Today, the vaccine against the COVID-19 virus is already available to the states of the world and the Republic of Tajikistan, and in Tajikistan, in accordance with the relevant procedure, citizens receive the vaccine against the COVID-19 virus.

The national heritage of each country is the health of its citizens. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has taken the necessary steps to protect the public health, which is very useful and useful for the prevention of COVID infections-19. Only our citizens will be careful.

    Valiev Davlater

  a journalist

12.10.2021 493